1st - Zhong Chen |“Novel Application of Compressed Sensing in Cylindrical Mode Filtering for Far-Field Antenna Measurements”
Co-authors: Stuart Gregson and Yibo Wang
2nd - Kyriakos Kaslis | “On the Use of Probe Signal Derivatives in Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurements​”
Co-author: Olav Breinbjerg
3rd - Jeffrey Massman | “Modified Thru-Reflect-Match Polarimetric Calibration Technique​ for Focused Beam Systems”
Co-author: Michael Havrilla
1st - Fernando Rodríguez-Varela |“Single-Cut Phaseless Near-Field Measurements using Specialized Probes”
Co-authors: Belén Galocha-Iragüen, Manuel Sierra-Castañer
2nd - Zhong Chen | “Additional Insights into Chamber Effects in the Gain Extrapolation Data using Empirical Mode Decomposition”
Co-author: Yibo Wang
3rd - Roland Moch | “Maximum Determinant Sampling Using Spline-Based Trajectories in a Robot-Based mm-Wave Antenna Test Range”
Co-author: Dirk Heberling
1st - Thomas Gemmer | “Accurate Retrieval of Antenna Patterns in Reflective Environments Via the Test-Zone Field-Compensation Technique”
Co-author: Dirk Heberling
2nd - Cosme Culotta-López | “On the Uncertainty Sources of Drone-Based Outdoor Far-Field Antenna Measurements”
Co-authors: Stuart Gregson, Andrian Buchi, Carlo Rizzo, Diana Trifon, Snorre Skeidsvoll, Inès Barbary and Joakim Espeland
3rd - David A. Tonn | “A Novel Complex Image Expansion for Antenna Measurements Above a Lossy Half Space”
1st - Cosme Culotta-López | “Adaptive Sampling for Compressed Spherical Near-Field Measurements”
Co-author: Dirk Heberling
2nd - Ryan T. Cutshall | “Measuring G/T with a Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurement System via the CW-Ambient Technique”
Co-authors: Justin Dobbins, Matthew N. Barr
3rd - Anastasios Papathanasopoulos | “Multi-Layered Flat Metamaterial Lenses: Design, Prototyping and Measurements”
Co-author: Yahya Rahmat-Samii
Seckin Sahin | “Non-contact Characterization of Antenna Impedance, Gain and Pattern through Open-Fixture Network Calibration”
Co-authors: Niru K. Nahar, Kubilay Sertel
Cosme Culotta-López | “A Compressed Sampling for Spherical Near-Field Measurements”
Co-authors: Dirk Heberling, Arya Bangun, Arash Behboodi, Rudolf Mathar
Christopher Holloway | “Development of A New Atom-Based SI Traceable Electric-Field Metrology Technique”
Co-authors: Matt Simons, Josh Gordon
Brett T. Walkenhorst | “Correcting Polarization Distortion in a Compact Range Feed”
Co-author: David Tammen
Christer Larsson | “SAR-ISAR Blending Using Compressed Sensing Methods”
Co-author: Johan Jersblad
Alexander Knisely | “Biaxial Anisotropic Material Characterization using | Rectangular to Square Waveguide”
Co-authors: Michael Havrilla, Jeffery Allen, Andrew Bogle, Peter Collins, Milo Hyde, Edward Rothwell
*Before 2020, only one Best Paper Award was given per year. Beginning in 2020, AMTA started awarding 3 Best Papers per year.