AMTA Webinar Series


Title: Approaches for Designing the Absorber Treatment on Compact Antenna Test Ranges
Speaker: Dr. Vince Rodriguez, Ph.D. | NSI-MI Technologies | Suwanee, GA, USA

Webinar Date: Originally Presented January 25, 2023 


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Minimizing the absorber coverage without compromising performance should be the goal of any range designer. In this talk, the steps for estimating the absorber treatment of a compact range are presented. Starting from the recommendations on IEEE STD 149 and going through more detailed designs steps an optimized design is presented that minimizes the absorber required and allows for proper cooling and illumination of the range without affecting the performance significantly. The steps are presented and some rules of thumb are given to “bypass” some of the more rigorous analysis by the use of some assumptions.


Speaker Bio




Vince Rodriguez is a man that needs no introduction. He has been involved in Measurement of EM for over 23 years, spanning EMC measurements, Antenna Measurements, HW in loop, and RCS. He is a Fellow of AMTA, and Fellow of ACES, a Senior Member of the IEEE. And the 2022 Distinguished Achievement Award recipient of AMTA



About AMTA Webinar Series:

AMTA webinar series is introduced to highlight latest antenna measurement technologies to the AMTA community. Speakers are selected from the best papers presented at the AMTA conferences.

You can watch the recording of the previous webinars at:

Drone-Based Outdoor Far-Field Antenna Measurements (members only)

A Novel Complex Image Expansion for Antenna Measurements Above a Lossy Half Space (members only)
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