The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) is pleased to announce the next AMTA Webinar in the series, highlighting the latest antenna measurement technologies to the AMTA community. Speakers are selected from the awardees at the AMTA conferences. This webinar is scheduled for August 29, 2024 from 11:00 -12:00 (ET).
Title: Over-The-Air Measurements Under Extreme Temperature Conditions
Speaker: Benoit Derat, Ph.D., Senior Director for Systems & Projects / Antenna-Based Solutions at Rohde & Schwarz
Date: August 29, 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12 pm US Eastern Time
Description: —5G communications have supported the deployment of millimeter-wave antenna array beam-steering technologies at an unprecedented commercial scale. As per 3GPP and CTIA test specifications, 5G millimeter-wave capable mobile phones must undergo a large number of tests in order to guarantee an adequate performance for preserving the integrity of the mobile network. The defined measurement methodology relies on farfield Over-The-Air (OTA) assessments in Compact Antenna Test Ranges (CATR). As temperature influences the active electronics in the wireless devices and hence the beam-forming characteristics, OTA measurements are also required in extreme conditions ranging from -10 to +55◦C. This paper presents an innovative realization of a CATR with an embedded thermal chamber, meeting all conformance / compliance testing requirements. Inventive steps which were taken are explained, showing how the complex engineering problem to design a chamber and a system compatible with all mandatory criteria was solved. Specific characteristics of the combined OTA-thermal solution are demonstrated through thermal and RF measurements.
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